The Win-Win Combination of Eastern Spiritual Mysticism and Psychedelic Medicinal Plants

The Win-Win Combination of Eastern Spiritual Mysticism and Psychedelic Medicinal Plants* Win-win for whom? For both seasoned yogis or meditators as well as modern-day psychonauts frowning at any traditional spirituality. In order to supercharge their spiritual journey, both of these crowds would have to reconsider their beaten paths and open their minds to approaches outside […]

(Imaginary) Interview With God

Don’t worry, I’m not turning into a megalomaniac or a fire-and-brimstone preacher claiming to have a direct line to a personal God. What follows is a somewhat playful but nonetheless sincere attempt to imagine what such a conversation might entail on issues of planetary and personal consciousness transformation. It contains direct and indirect references to […]

Shamanism, Sacred Plants, Buddhism, Enlightened Societies

Returning to Sacred World: A Spiritual Toolkit for the Emerging Reality was published in 2010 by the British mind/body/spirit publisher O Books/John Hunt Publishing. Writings associated with themes from the book can be found at My original choice for the main title was “Uniting the Four Directions.” This image comes from a pre-Columbian Incan […]