Cannabis And Spirituality Blog

Thoughts are Prayers, You Are the Placebo, Prayer, Intention,

Thoughts are Prayers - for Better or Worse

Thoughts Are Prayers This topic, "Thoughts are Prayers - for…
Experience and Perseverance with cannabis, the holy herb, herb is the healing of the nations, emptiness becomes luminosity, cannabis and spirituality

Experience and Perseverance

Awakening with Cannabis: Experience & Perseverance I have…
peyote, ayahuasca, psilocybin, cannabis spirituality, sacred meditation prayer

A Good Way to Teach

If you've read Returning to Sacred World you probably recall…

(Imaginary) Interview With God

Don't worry, I'm not turning into a megalomaniac or a fire-and-brimstone…
Signs of Awakening

Signs of Awakening

  Signs of Awakening: I'm going out on a limb with this…
Crop Circles: A Beautiful Enigma

Crop Circles: A Beautiful Enigma

At the risk of being filed by some readers under F for flake,…

Principles of the Paradigm Revolution

  Principles of the Paradigm Revolution: A 'Manifesto' I…

Updates on the Emerging Reality

I spend a fair amount of time maintaining vigilance on the planetary…

Never Separated

Never Separated I was hiking through a forest last summer and…
cannabis for problem solving, cannabis and creativity, cannabis promotes brain cell growth, cannabis and higher thinking.

Cannabis for Problem Solving

Some reading this might think titling a post "Cannabis for Problem…
thinking vs thinking, cannabis and creativity,

Cannabis: Thinking vs Thinking

Cannabis: Thinking Vs Thinking For the sake of making a point,…
cannabis in your practice, cannabis meditation, cannabis and spirituality

Cannabis in Your Practice - Becca Williams

Cannabis in Your Practice - Becca Williams was offered up by…